Advantages of exercising with a neurological condition

exercising with a neurological condition

Neurological conditions include Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease, stroke and spinal cord injuries. These conditions can affect the body in varying ways physically, mentally and emotionally; which can impact on activities of daily living and socialising. No matter the condition, being active and exercising can help improve health and prevent development of unnecessary chronic conditions.


Advantages of exercise for those with neurological conditions can include but aren’t limited to:

  • Increased aerobic stamina and muscle strength
  • Improved confidence, quality of life and maintain independence
  • Better psychological well-being and a better mood.
  • Decreased risk of developing chronic, lifestyle diseases (e.g., diabetes, high blood pressure)

Exercise, when appropriately prescribed, can be an effective and safe treatment for most people with neurological conditions. Exercise Physiologists (AEPs) are university qualified professionals equipped with the knowledge to design safe and effective exercise programs for people living with, or at risk of developing neurological conditions. Both aerobic and resistance exercise can be beneficial for those with neurological conditions, the goal should be to start small and gradually build up time and intensity from there.

Thorough evidence-based pre-screening and relevant fitness testing is conducted onsite at our state-of-the-art functional rehabilitation facility to gain an understanding of all the health conditions you are living with, how they impact your life and your current level of fitness. Exercise prescription is individualised based on this information in addition to what your goals are. It may be recommended to start with supervised sessions at our facility under the experienced eye of our Accredited Exercise Physiologists, Nathan Walker or Scott Howard, or your program can be designed to be performed from home. We utilise a free exercise software program called Physitrack, which can be downloaded to your smart phone or tablet, which gives you the ability to message your therapist directly with feedback about your exercises.

If you want to exercise or know someone who does but aren’t sure how to get started, please book an appointment with one of our AEP’s today. They can help show you how to use exercise to keep your body and mind, happy and healthy in the management of your neurological condition.



Physioconnex can help if you want help exercising with a neurological condition, book online now!