Exercise Physiology

Boost Your Health with our Expert Exercise Physiologists on the Central Coast

Exercise Physiologists are health professionals trained in the science of exercise. They design custom programs aimed at preventing or managing chronic health conditions, enhancing physical performance, and improving overall quality of life.

Our Accredited Exercise Physiologists (AEPs) are university-educated and equipped with the expertise needed to devise safe and effective exercise plans for those at risk of or living with chronic health conditions.


Our Broad Range of Services and Expertise

Our Exercise Physiologists on the Central Coast are experienced in catering to a wide array of health conditions:

Thorough evidence-based pre-screening and relevant fitness testing is conducted onsite at our state-of-the-art functional rehabilitation facility to gain an understanding of the health conditions you are living with, how they impact your life and your current level of fitness. Exercise prescription is individualised based on this information in addition to what your goals are.

We are also able to provide help for those that require:

  • Weight management strategies
  • Falls prevention education and associated strength and balance programs
  • Functional and Workplace Capacity Assessments

All components of fitness are considered to ensure a holistic approach:

  • Cardiovascular Fitness
  • Muscular Strength
  • Muscular Endurance
  • Balance, Agility and Coordination
  • Flexibility
  • Body Composition


It may be recommended to start with supervised sessions at our facility under the experienced eye of our Accredited Exercise Physiologist, Nathan Walker, or your program can be designed to be performed from home. We utilise a free exercise software program called Physitrack, which can be downloaded to your smart phone or tablet, which gives you the ability to message your therapist directly with feedback about your exercises.


Our AEP can work with you privately (health fund rebates may apply), or under workers compensation, CTP insurance, Medicare or DVA legislation to improve your health, reduce your pain and restore function. We also offer Telehealth consultations.


To book your initial AEP consultation please call our reception on (02) 4314 5183 or book online.

Here’s more information about how our Exercise Physiologists can help with your conditions:


Exercise Physiology can assist with cardiovascular disease through personalised exercise plans. We utilise our understanding of individual health statuses and fitness capabilities to create routines that incorporate aerobic and resistance exercises.

Benefits include delaying disease progression, enhancing life quality, and reducing medication dependency. Treatment typically begins with guided sessions and eventually transitions to home-based routines, supported by the Physitrack app for immediate therapist feedback.

Respiratory conditions such as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), asthma, and emphysema can significantly impact an individual’s breathing capacity. These can be obstructive, impeding exhalation, or restrictive, hindering lung inflation, with common symptoms like breathlessness.
With our expertise in designing safe and effective exercise programs, we can provide a beneficial treatment approach for people living with these conditions. The mix of aerobic and resistance exercise, tailored to individual needs, can gradually enhance lung function and overall wellbeing.

It’s widely accepted that the key to managing and rehabilitating a wide spectrum of musculoskeletal injuries – from acute to chronic stages – is the implementation of a comprehensive, structured exercise regimen. This should be complemented with proper education and guidance. The goal of such targeted exercise interventions is to enhance movement tolerance, flexibility, endurance, strength, and eventually gain full functionality while alleviating symptoms.

We cater to everything from immediate injury management to advanced strength-building and functional conditioning programs. Our rehabilitation plans are centred around uncomplicated physical activity, geared towards holistic health and wellbeing.

We play a crucial role in post-surgical recovery by designing individualised exercise programs to aid in restoring movement and strength. Initially, gentle activities like walking are encouraged, gradually transitioning to more targeted exercises as recovery progresses.

We’ll closely monitor the progress to prevent overexertion and ensure safe exercise practices. We also provide education to help you understand what to expect and gain confidence in your recovery. The timeframe to start working with an AEP depends on the complexity of the surgery and the surgeon’s guidance. Ultimately, the goal is to ensure you regain functionality and improve your symptoms in a safe and gradual manner.

We’ll provide you with valuable assistance in managing your arthritis. We’ll recommend targeted exercises to strengthen muscles around the affected joints, reducing pain and improving mobility. Beyond physical activity, we provide home management strategies to alter movements and distribute weight, easing joint stress.

We’ll educate you about degeneration and pain, teaching you to balance activity with rest periods. If surgery is inevitable, pre-surgery sessions with us can improve strength around the joint, facilitating faster post-surgery recovery. Ultimately, our role is to enhance quality of life amidst arthritis.

We play a pivotal role in managing diabetes by designing personalised exercise programs that help control blood glucose levels. We understand the unique physiological responses to exercise in individuals with diabetes and use this knowledge to create safe and effective routines.

The exercise regime generally includes a combination of aerobic activities and resistance training, which together can improve insulin sensitivity, aid in weight management, and enhance cardiovascular health.

We’ll work closely with you, monitoring progress and adjusting the program as needed, ensuring you exercise safely and effectively. The long-term goal is to empower you to manage your diabetes, reduce dependency on medication, and improve overall quality of life.

To help manage osteoporosis, we design individualised, goal-oriented exercise programs to improve bone density and reduce the risk of falls. Initial exercises typically involve bodyweight strength training, progressing to loaded strength exercises that mimic daily activities.

The increasing load not only enhances bone density but also strengthens muscles to prevent falls. We’ll also incorporate static balance and high-impact training, closely monitored for safety and correct technique. By fostering the habit of regular exercise, we help osteoporotic patients improve their overall quality of life and regain the confidence to enjoy everyday activities.

Neurological conditions, encompassing Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease, strokes, and spinal cord injuries, can significantly affect an individual’s quality of life. Regardless of the condition’s origin, exercise can enhance health and avert additional chronic conditions.

We are specialists in devising safe, effective exercise programs for those neurological disorders. Utilising a blend of aerobic and resistance exercises, we start with manageable routines, gradually escalating intensity. The goal is to use exercise therapeutically, improving life quality and fostering resilience in those grappling with neurological conditions.

Exercise Physiologists play a crucial role in supporting cancer patients. We provide specialised exercise programs to manage fatigue, rebuild strength and endurance, and improve bone density and balance. Exercise during and post-cancer treatment can help manage weight, increase post-surgical mobility and reduce the side effects of treatment.

AEPs are allied health professionals, recognised by Medicare Australia, the Department of Veterans’ Affairs, and most private health insurers. Our expertise in physical activity provides valuable support to individuals living with cancer, mitigating treatment symptoms, and potentially influencing recurrence rates and survival outcomes.

Exercise Physiologists (EPs) provide evidence-based, personalised exercise programs to support mental health. We can help reduce symptoms of mental health conditions, improve sleep quality, control medication-induced weight gain, and improve outcomes for chronic diseases like Type II diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

We offer a variety of sessions including one-on-one appointments in a clinic or gym, and telehealth consultations for at-home convenience. These services may be eligible for rebates through private health insurance, the Medicare Scheme, or the Department of Veterans’ Affairs, depending on individual circumstances. The ultimate goal of an EP is to improve mental and physical health, restoring a sense of well-being.