Workplace Conditioning

Workplace conditioning is a structured program designed to help employees recover their physical abilities and prepare them to safely return to work after an injury or illness. It involves job-specific exercises, simulations of work tasks and movements, strength and endurance training, and education on proper body mechanics and injury prevention strategies.

How our Exercise Physiologists can help:

Assessment – At Physio Connex, our exercise physiologists will conduct a comprehensive 60-minute evaluation of the workplace environment, job demands (physical, cognitive, environmental), employee health/injury risk factors, and ergonomic concerns. 

Job Task Analysis – Detailed analysis of job tasks is best to be provided by your employer, however is not essential. Our EP analyses your movements, postures, forces, repetition, etc. to identify ergonomic stressors and areas for intervention. 

Workplace Exercise Program – Developing and implementing exercise programs tailored to the specific workplace/job to improve physical capacities like strength, endurance, flexibility, balance, etc. and reduce injury risk. 

Ergonomic Interventions – Providing recommendations on workstation setup, equipment modifications, assistive devices, proper body mechanics/postures to reduce ergonomic stressors. 

Education – Delivering education on injury prevention, ergonomic principles, body mechanics, stretching/exercise for the workplace. 

Monitoring and Follow-up – Ongoing monitoring of program effectiveness, ergonomic interventions, injury rates, and adjusting as needed. 

Collaboration – Working closely with occupational health professionals, safety managers, supervisors and others for an integrated approach.


  1. Reduced risk of musculoskeletal injuries and disorders. 
  2. Improved physical job capacities and work tolerance. 
  3. Enhanced employee comfort, safety and productivity. 
  4. Lower healthcare costs and absenteeism related to injuries. 
  5. Tailored exercise programs for injury prevention/rehabilitation. 
  6. Optimised workplace ergonomics and job design.

Our Exercise physiologists will help play a vital role in your workplace conditioning by developing exercise programs, implementing ergonomic solutions, providing education, and collaborating with other professionals to improve employee health, safety and productivity.


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